Computer Security Groups
Computer Security is without doubt one of the most important areas in Information Technology. IT's main objective was to help us to doour wok faster , Internet's main objective was to have access to information. But while the monster's (INternet) growth was so fast no one was aware on how important will be to be safe inside this chaos. This situation is now visible to everyone since we trust no one and in the WEB. Many Academic and Commercial groups are now trying to create standards or to implement techniques which will protect everyone. But how can you protect users when you cannot control their acts.
The race between private and public research can prove that people are trying to get involved.
Thats why I believe that at this time is a good idea to attend a postgraduade or Undergraduate degree in this field.
IT Security can be splitted into two areas : Communication safety and Information Safety. Before entering The IT Security world you need to choose a team. After doing that you have to choose your position inside these two directions , Security Expert or Illegal Security Expert . A real life representation is be a police man or be a criminal ? Although both of these directions are challenging you need to have different characteristics to join them.
Security Expert : Positives => Access to very expensive equipment Negative => You don't know your enemy's techniques or tools but he does know yours.
Illegal Security Expert : Positive => Freedom to act / You know your victims tools Negative => You have to do another job to feed your self and you do not have access to top level technology.
After making your mind about the above you can use the following Academic list of security groups and choose which one of them better fits your needs.
- Australia
- Laboratory for Information and Network Security (Monash.Edu)
- Centre for Computer Security Research (University of Wollongong)
- Distributed Systems Technology Centre (QUT)
- Centre for Advanced Computing - Algorithms and Cryptography (Macquarie)
- Austria
- Graz University of Technology ( Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications)
- Kryptographie in sterreich (Linz)
- Belgium
- COSIC ( COmputer Security and Industrial Cryptography)
- UCL/DICE Crypto Group
- SCSI, Brussels Free University
- Brazil
- Equipe de Seguran a em Sistemas e Redes (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
- Canada
- University of Montreal
- Centre For Applied Cryptographic Research (University of Waterloo)
- Queen's Cryptography and Data Security Laboratory (Queen's University)
- Crypto & Quantum Info Lab (McGill)
- China
- Institute of Information Security & Privacy (Xidian University)
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Cryptology Group (BRICS, Aarhus)
- Ronald Cramer
- Cryptology Group (BRICS, Aarhus)
- Laboratory of Mathematics for Information Technology (Univ of Turku)
- Helger Lipmaa :/~mjos (Markku-Juhani Saarinen)
- GRECC (Group de Recherche en Complexite et Cryptographie) (Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris)
- CSySEC (Uni. of Pau)
- Toulon Crypto Base
- Applications of Informatics in Arts and Science (Hamburg)
- Cryptography and Security (Universit t des Saarlandes)
- System Security (University of Karlsruhe)
- Mathematische Informatik (Frankfurt)
- Bochum
- Communication Security (COSY) (Bochum)
- Communication Security (COSY) (Bochum)
- Institute for IT-Security and Cryptology (Bochum)
- Cryptography and Computer Algebra (Darmstadt)
- Number Field Cryptography (Darmstadt)
- Cryptology & Information Security Laboratory (ICU.AC.KR)
- Information & Communications Security Laboratory
- Com2MaC (Pohang University)
- See also
- Korean Crypto Groups (@KRyptoGate)
- Discrete Mathematics (Eindhoven)
- Coding and Cryptography Group (Eindhoven)
- Andries Brouwer :Arjen Lenstra :Ruud Pellikan :Berry Schoenmakers
- Coding and Cryptography Group (Eindhoven)
- Coding Theory and Cryptography (Bergen)
- SCZI (Sankt-Petersburg)
- Research directions (In Russian)
- Math department of Sankth-Petersburg university
- Seminar on Cryptography (In Russian)
- CRISES (Rovira i Virgili)
- Seguretat, codificaci i transport de la informaci (Universitats Aut noma de Barcelona)
- Cryptography Research group (Universitat Polit cnica de Catalunya)
- Information Security and Cryptography (ETH Z rich)
- Communication Systems (EPFL)
- Cambridge University
- The LSE Computer Security Research Centre (London School of Economics and Political Science)
- Information Security Group (Royal Holloway University of London)
- Cryptography and Information Security Group (Bristol)
The list is been taken by Helger Lipmaa's webpage and there is another extremely big list of all Security related information located at University of Valencia (Spain)